Avviso n. 3277 del 30-12-2021 - Bando per progetti di Ricerca Industriale e Sviluppo Sperimentale nei domini dell’Intelligenza Artificiale e della Robotica - ROBOTICS AND AI FOR SOCIO-ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT (RAISE)

The ROBOTICS AND AI FOR SOCIO-ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT (RAISE) project aims to support the development of an innovation ecosystem based on the scientific and technological domains of artificial intelligence and robotics, focusing on the needs of a specific regional context, namely the Liguria Region . The project aims to evolve into a highly attractive ecosystem for businesses, investors and researchers, both nationally and internationally. The proposed project is rooted in a regional territory characterized by scientific, technological and economic specificities (full consistency with regional Smart Specialization).
26 partners from the academic and research world, institutions and companies (including Iplom S.p.A.) are participating, coordinated by the University of Genoa (UNIGE), the National Research Council (CNR) and the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT).
The project was selected together with 10 others by the MUR following the call (Notice no. 3277 of 12-30-2021).
Apphia participates in RAISE Spoke 3 - MESSAPI Project as it was selected by RAISE among the projects financed through the "Call for Industrial Research and Experimental Development projects in the domains of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics" issued by IIT.
MESSAPI is a specific intervention area with a study of innovative environmental monitoring tools for airborne substances with the use of drones in a Ligurian industrial site.
The project lays its foundations on the technology and processes developed within the SPOKE3 - Protection and care of the environment - of the RAISE ecosystem with which it shares both the approach and the macro-objectives; according to the development lines traced in the context of challenge 4, in achieving the set objectives, the project will contribute to responding to the technical-scientific objectives set out in the context of Project 2 - "Technologies for advanced air monitoring and forecasting" with particular reference to the objective to create an autonomous system for measuring environmental parameters of the 4D type (3D space and 1D time) integrated and capable of operating in different fields (industrial and non-industrial) as well as sending "early warning" signals.


  • Iplom S.p.A
  • Apphia Srl
  • PM_TEN Srl
  • SIGE Srl